Monday, June 8, 2015

Fickle Love Toward an Unconditional God

I have noticed a growing trend among Christians. While we all know the Father hates idols, we in our "well meaningness" have turned a likeness of Him into one. Yes, we have turned God into an idol. What do you mean Deidra? Well, I'm glad you asked.

I have been in many of conversations as of late where I have heard a Christian say something like "Not the God I serve..." "The God I serve wouldn't do that!" "I know it could only be God because...". Ultimately, that last sentence ends in some sort of "feel good" ending that defies the declared character of Yahweh. And while these statements sound good, they are very dangerous. Making these statements show two things:
  1. Conditional love
  2. Our allegiance is fickle
Many Christians haven't grown into a mature love for the Father, His Son, or His Spirit. We love them with human nature love, which is often conditional based on how one makes us feel. All of the statements above are conditional. Using those statements, we have put human limitations on the Father such that if He does something out of our fleshly expectation of Him, it's not Him and we can't bring ourselves to serve Him.

"I could never serve a God that would"...for example, kill someone. That god is an idol. That god that someone made up is an imagination that serves our need for a god that does something that we as humans can't imagine. That god placates our desire that Yahweh works for us do to our bidding with the end result being our happiness and comfort.

Want to know why this god is a made up god from our imagination and not Yahweh? Because there are several times in the bible where He did kill someone. So, now what? Does this person stop worshiping the true God to serve the one made up in their mind? Yahweh has killed and ordered men, women, AND children killed. He killed families and whole tribes. He's killed animals. He killed people who thought they were "helping Him out" but yet were being disobedient. Yes, God kills because of His own reasoning, and guess what? He still deserves to be praised, glorified and served by those who say they follow Him.

"I know it has to be a blessing from God because..." - this statement is usually followed by a reasoning that actually goes outside of Yahweh's character, yet makes us happy. Yahweh isn't going to "bless" you with something you can't afford. He isn't going to "bless" you with someone else's spouse (even if they are divorced by man's law). He isn't going to "bless" you with something through deceit. He isn't going to "bless" you through criminal activity. He isn't going to "bless" your same-sex "union". He isn't going to "bless" your false church with your false preacher to have a $65M personal jet while all the other "members" scuffle for everyday living. That god that has done that is not the Father of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. So, now that you find out that Yahweh didn't do those things and didn't make you happy, do you turn to the god that did? That god is an idol and I would go one step further and same that it would be the "blessings" of satan and his minions. Please understand, satan is the god of this world as it stands now and he does have the power (that the Father has granted) to give what seems to be blessings and happiness. Don't believe me, look at how he tempted Yahshua! Look at how those who are evil and doing his bidding prosper. Don't be deceived to think what appears to be "good things" don't come from him as well.

"The God I serve would never allow..." - followed by a statement regarding division, hurt, pain, turmoil, delusion etc. But yes, there has been record of Yahweh doing just that. He asks for an angel to cause delusion. He allows satan to cause division. He allows satan to use the weather to bring about death and destruction. All of this is done for His purpose for He says:

Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish. - Isaiah 46:10 NLT

So, what are we really saying when we make these statements? We are declaring our conditional love for Yahweh. That if He doesn't make us happy, we ultimately won't serve Him because the god that we serve will do what we please. We are making room for our spirit to divorce the Father. Much like marriages today that are not built on biblical love, but on conditional love. If that spouse no longer makes us happy, we are willing to leave.

We hear this often through what we watch in movies or TV, from conversations with friends and family, even in church. We hear that if our spouse no longer makes us feel a sense of happiness, comfort etc, it is ok to leave. That is not biblical love. And if you subscribe to that, then you also unknowingly subscribe to the fact that as the Body and soon to be Bride it is ok to turn away from Yahweh when He no longer makes you happy or meets your expectations. The world has told us it is ok to turn from a spouse that no longer makes us happy. But where does the Bride turn? That's just it, the Bride has no where to turn! So, just like Christ asked, I also ask, when your expectations aren't being met and you are no longer happy, who will you turn to?

65 And he said, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.” 
66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. 67 So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, 69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” - John 6:65-69
So, what is the solution? We have to have the mind of Christ in all matters. We can't put our conditions of love and allegiance on the Father and we can't withhold our praise from Him if He doesn't make us feel good or be happy. We can't ultimately say that these out of character blessings that make us happy are from Him because once we find out they are not -then what?

Our love can not be rooted in a mind generated idol. Our love and worship has to be pure, based in an understanding that Yahweh Is who He Is and our job is to understand Him and love Him with our whole heart. We can not reason our love for Him for we love Him because He first loved us. Our love for Him is unconditional - even when it hurts. We have no where else to turn, no where else is worthy.

Love and serve Yahweh with no limits.....

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