Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How To Be A GODLY Wife (Series): Where Do You Get Your Wisdom, Young Lady?

Well, I figure I'd start with this verse and do a lil bit at a time since I put it up in the last post.
Titus 2:4-5New Living Translation (NLT)4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes,[a] to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

Let's look carefully at verse 4. There are some great gems and pearls of wisdom in there....

Ladies (just entering marriage or about to), where are you getting your wisdom? Here the word admonishes the older women to train you. The author of this verse is clearly speaking of older women IN the faith, and who know how to love their husband and children. They must have been successful in doing so or else he would have told the young women to find another source. 

So, PLEASE stop listening to Cosmo, Wendy Williams, OPRAH (who has NEVA been married), Steve Harvey, and others. Most of these entertainers are on their 2nd or 3rd marriages, are in failing relationships or have been in them. They clearly don't understand the strength needed to weather through the storms TOGETHER, or how to love their spouse to STAY married. And these entertainment books are just that - entertainment. Often times, they get you to focus on your selfish desires (what HE *neeeeds* to be doin or kick him to the curb), and on your self (You really don't need HIM, you COULD do this all by your self, and this is how). If it does talk about love, it's often conditional love, the "good times" love - where you see the couples laughing and hugging, and frolicking in the flowers. And while I hope marriage is that for you (joyful), please understand, not everyday will be that way. Which is why you NEED godly wisdom in how to persevere. 

So, my suggestion, please find a godly woman who is "successfully" married by GOD'S standards. One who knows how to keep her home together, who has been through tough situations and still came out with her husband's hand - faithfully. Get her in your corner, sit at her feet, listen to her wisdom. If you can't find her - hey, I'm here LOL...I'm not, gray hair old, but I have 13 years under my belt and have literally been through richer and poorer, sickness and health - and I'm not joking about any of that. But you really need to have a godly woman in your corner that you can go to and that you trust. 

OH and that's another thing - don't go around blabbing all your home business to these youngin's out here. NOPE - not even your best of friends, and not even yo MOMMA, UNLESS they are married with GODLY wisdom as well. Otherwise, you are asking for trouble.

I think that's all for right now. We will revisit more of Verse 4 as there is much more wisdom in that verse to talk about. But for now, if you have questions, if there are any married women with more wisdom, let's have a conversation 

#KeepYourFamilyTogether #MarriageISSacred #GodlyMarriagesSurviveTheTestOfTime 

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