Friday, January 31, 2014

What I Learned Today: Ted Talk Thursdays

It's Thursday and you know what that means! Ted Talks were on TV's what I learned today:

I must be careful of which Ted Talks I listen to. If not, I get very discouraged and wonder what the heck I have done with my life?! Why I can't understand what the heck some of these people are talking about. Even with degrees and certifications, Ted Talks can make you feel real dumb. LOL

The criminal justice system is changing. The same system that is used in baseball's "Money Ball" system is being brought to the CJ system. It's quite interesting how they are predicting who will be violent criminals etc based off of statistics. But it will also help de-crowd the jails of nonviolent people of the likes of those who have been waiting eight months for a hearing on stealing a blanket when it was freezing outside and they had no where to go.

Every cell in the human body has a sex. This of course makes males and females different in both diseases and treatments. Many women suffer unnecessarily because doctors treat women's bodies as men's. So, next time a woman you know is diagnosed with any disease - mental or physical - have them ask "Is this treatable differently in women than in men?" or "Is this diagnosed differently in women than in men?"...what ever you do, if you are a woman, make sure you push the fact that our bodies are different and should be treated as such.

We watched a few more but really, they were so far over my head that I don't even think it mattered much...something about bats and meerkats and social bonds etc...anywho!


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