Thursday, January 9, 2014

What I've Learned Today: The Children, Our Future?, The Sound of the Bible, For Your Listening Enjoyment

If you can stomach it, check out this video that's made nation-wide attention. Warning, there is MUCH vulgarity in this video. It's completely disgusting. It will make you angry, and want to rip the lips off of those who are suppose to "know better". This video will make you question the future of our children in a world that no longer sees innocence. This video will flat out make you shudder with fear with what this child could become.......Toddler Learns Depravity

If you can't stomach this video, here's the long story short. There is a baby, yes, a baby - still in diapers with speech barely intelligeble who has learned the "art" of cussin' with the sailors. He has learned to disrespect authority figures. He has learned sexuality. He has learned how to talk back. He has learned how to be argumentative. He has learned that he has no value. He has learned that "home" is in the streets. He has learned to identify with crime - and be proud of it. He has be a thug.

Thankfully, he has been taken out of this environment. And I pray that he will be put somewhere were he will learn to be an active, important, and contributing piece of our community rather than someone I'm going to dread seeing in the next few years. I pray that I will get to see him as this....


and not this.....


"Our community" really needs a wake-up call.....

What I learned today: "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it." works BOTH ways.
Saving our future starts with the hearts of our babies.

The Sound of the Bible

I read the bible daily. Every time I read it, I read it in my voice - just as I suspect that you all do when you read a literary work. Today I actually listened to it online. And MAN, there's a vast difference between reading powerful verses in my voice compared to hearing it boom in a bass voice coming from a man. Verses that seemed docile to me actually made me sit up and take notice, or struck a chord of holy fear that I hadn't before.

What I learned today: I need a deeper reading voice in my head LOL


Ok, this isn't what I learned, but I just wanted to share. For your listening enjoyment. The human body is amazing! The coordination between brain and body in this man is simply amazing....

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