Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What I learned yesterday....Chiropractic Care, Timing, Spoiled Brats

Sorry about not being able to get this done yesterday. It was pretty busy. No, we weren't out participating in MLK festivities...I have my own views on that that I'll be sharing later. But we were busy doing "family" stuff - doc appts, hanging out at the park, shopping for upcoming gardening projects. But with all the fun, I was able to squeeze in some thoughts about what I learned yesterday.

Chiropractic Lesson

So, I took my son to his first chiropractic care appointment. WOW what a wealth of info! Never knew how much our nervous system affects everything from our posture and muscles to how well our organs operate. We had a really nice science lesson yesterday. And I think I might even make an appointment to go get my "back cracked". She adjusted my son a little bit. It made my eyes bug out a bit in seeing it, but it didn't look painful. He loved it. But, he's weird like his momma LOL ;-)

What I learned yesterday: It seems that many physical illnesses and problems can be traced to misalignment of the spine. That causes pressure on the nerves with distorts the signal from the brain to an organ etc. If you have having muscle, skeletal, immune, or organ trouble, look into chiropractic care. It could be helpful....


While driving home after a long day, we happened to see a news camera man recording an MLK statue. That led to a pretty long discussion about idols and false perceptions. Now, I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" but I do believe in telling the WHOLE truth to my children. But this led me to this thought. Lately, I had been seeing a lot of posts about the reality of this man, as well as others who are held in "high esteem" both in the "black culture" and the "white culture" - I hate those terms, but it is what it is. I watched a movie over the weekend where they were talking about the faith of the founding fathers and one figure in particular that no one has heard of wrote a manuscript that told the whole truth about the movement that the "founding fathers" of America were pushing. BUT he never published it because he didn't want to taint the public's perception of who these men were. I find that in today's society as well. It's amazing how people will overlook the terrible faults of one person just because of one or two "great things" they've done. Don't get me wrong, I'm appreciative - but lets remember these are men to be thanked, not glorified and worshiped. And I see the necks and eyes rolling. "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT DOCTA MARTIN LUTHA D' KANG LIKE THAT!!" Yeah, I see you. And that's exactly what I'm talking about. Which is why, I tell my children the whole truth. But, back to my point about timing...

What I learned yesterday: You can't give people the truth while they are in the throws of excitement. They are blinded by the emotion and festivities. It's best to do it when things simmer down and the excitement is long gone. Like now, it's a good time to bring out the truth of "holidays" that have passed....

Bratty Kids

Last thing. Bratty kids. I can't stand them. You know the kind, that demand things because they feel justified in having them. The kind that tell their parents what they want instead of asking? The kind that expect things just because they have told their parents that's what they want - and if it does happen, it spirals them into more brattiness because they assume that because they TOLD their parents what they wanted that's why they got it. They never take into account that maaaybe, just maybe, the parent just wanted to bless them with something despite their attitude - or maybe that the parent had already planned on getting that thing for them and it was already on the way before they "demanded" it.

I dealt with that yesterday. It sickened me. It broke my heart And thank God, it wasn't one of my kids...in fact, it wasn't a child at all. It was a grown man. And it wasn't his parent, it was Yahweh-God. See, many like him have fallen under the false thought, teaching, and assumption that they can command and demand things to happen - like God is a genie that is there to do their bidding. No, they don't believe in the scriptures where it plainly states that we are to ASK. No, they believe in commanding and demanding. I know you've seen it:

"In the name of Jesus I decree and declare..." "It WILL be so, in Jesus' name..." "I SPEAK it right now!"

No where in God's word does He say we are to do this. In everything, we are to ask and petition. Asking requires humbleness....this decreeing and declaring is just the opposite. Yes, we are to be bold when coming before our Father - but that is a holy boldness with reverence of WHO we are approaching. He never gave us permission to boss Him around just because we use His name. He defintely never gave us the power to "speak" stuff into existence. That's just a ridiculous thought altogether.

Let's quick look at some examples...

Hebrews 5:7-9
New Living Translation (NLT)
7 While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry and tears, to the one who could rescue him from death. And God heard his prayers because of his deep reverence for God. 8 Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. 9 In this way, God qualified him as a perfect High Priest, and he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him.

And then when you get a chance, read John 17. Even Jesus Himself never commanded God to do anything in this prayer. In His daily life and in His prayer life, He speech was consistent - "if it be Your will" "the will of My Father"....Hebrews says His prayers were answered because of his deep reverence for God. He never came demanding, decreeing, or commanding anything from Him.

Now, let's look at something else....

Isaiah 14:13-14
New Living Translation (NLT)
13 For you said to yourself,‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. 14 I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’
There's no asking there. Sounds like a lot of "declaring and decreeing" doesn't it? Sounds kind of prideful doesn't it? Sounds like they want to take God's place doesn't it? And who is doing this talking? Satan himself. Yes...THIS is what declaring and decreeing boils down to. The same trickery that he used in the garden - to be like God, to take over His will.

What I learned today: There are many who will fall away and hearts turn cold because they don't realize they entertain the teaching of demons. Declaring and decreeing have no place in a humble heart. I recognize I am the clay and my Father in heaven is the potter. His will is what matters. I ask, He listens and answers and what He wills to happen, will happen. Anything more is deception by the evil one..... 


  1. I love this one. That bratty grown man made me sad with his posts and unteachable spirit. Enjoyed reading it.

    1. Thank you! But actually, this particular person is someone I had a private conversation with. However, the fact that you may have picked up on another conversation just goes to show just how bad this "epidemic" is. Lord, help us all....
