Sunday, January 5, 2014

What I've Learned Today: Weekend Edition - I Am Like My Mother, Football Idols, Never Underestimate Bible Study with Your Kids

I grew up in the mid-west, Wisconsin to be exact. Winters are brutal there. I remember many times walking out the door in subzero weather with no gloves on and a half open jacket. Of course, being vain because, really, who doesn't want to look cool in the cold? I mean, you couldn't show off your latest "Guess" shirt all bundled up under a coat.

During those times, there would be a shrill of a voice ringing in my ears out of now where: "Girl! WHERE are your GLOVES? You gone mess around and get arthritis!!" or "If you don't ZIP. UP. YOUR. COAAAT!" The voice was unmistakably my mother. To this day, she still does it, and you would think I would have learned my lesson.

Well, today, as I sat and watched the PACKER game, I saw the players out there with no sleeves or gloves. It's 12 below, and my first thought was: "WHERE are their GLOVES?! They are gonna mess around and get arthritis!"......some lessons just never leave you.

What I learned today: I am my mother, she trained me well.


Hey, don't get me wrong. I love the game of football just as much as the next gal. And no, I don't like it for the "cute uniforms", or the guys and their muscles (I gots mah own guy f'alladat! *hehehe*). I genuinely love the competition and determination...and who doesn't love a great underdog story from time to time? And make nooooooo bones about it, I'm a PACKERS girl. Born, bred, and raised to be one. I remember watching the game on a small black and white TV on our kitchen table with my dad and his friends - cheering my head off and learning about the game. I LOVE it when the Pack pull off a close win. I LOVE it when we completely dominate on the field. I LOVE the intensity, the cheering, the armchair's what makes the game fun. BUT one thing I don't love - the aftermath of a loss to a rival team. I have family and friends who cheer for different teams. We joke each other when one team or another wins. But, NEVER would I EVER disrespect or throw away my friendship/relationships over a game. I wish I could say the same for others who take this game way too seriously. This play-off season has really brought the ugly out of some people. It's especially sad to see Christians act in such a way that you would think they never knew the joy of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I mean, down right mean and potty mouthed!

Should we be reminded? Philippians 2:3 ESV Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Use self control people. You aren't losing paychecks over this (unless you're which you have other issues smh), nor are you losing pensions. These people that played a part in the game from the QB and owners to the waterboy will go home to their loved ones, or hang out with each other on both sides of the ball, and break bread, joke, laugh, and get up and do it again on the next go around. And will have broken friendships and a bitter heart - over a game. C'mon, get it together!

What I learned today: Priorities and perspective. Don't let your emotions over a game mess them up.

Bible Study

There's nothing I love to hear more than my husband teaching our kids from the Word of God. We don't "go to church". We've been call out of the institutional church by Yahweh-God for a while now. If you want to know more, just let me know - I won't go into it here b/c that's not what this post is about. So, because we don't go, we must teach our children what the Lord requires for salvation and the way He would want us to live. Today, my husband was teaching and the kids were asking so many great questions. To me it shows that not only were they interested, but they were processing the info.

....and he said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. - Mark 10:14

What I Learned Today: Children are just as interested in the Word of God as they are the latest cartoons. You just need to be willing to put in the effort of teaching and answering questions. Which means, you need to know the Word for yourself instead of waiting to be fed once a week.


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