Monday, January 13, 2014

What I've Learned Today (Weekend Edition): History, Protection, Kid's Creativity

This weekend was an action packed one. This family had a lot going on.

1. On Saturday, we all went to the history museum. While it was a good visit. I have come to the conclusion that history is mostly told in the eyes of the "winner" and it's doctored to favor the "winners" as well. While there were good facts depicted, you could tell that the "history" was shown to make it palatable for the visitors.

What I learned: I see now, I'm going to have to teach things to my children that history won't.

2. While in the museum, our county was under a tornado warning. Everyone's phones were beeping with alert. Some people were coming into the building seeking shelter and protection. It crossed my mind how some people can be so alarmed at the potential of danger and run to seek shelter from it. But when it comes to spiritual danger, people are very nonchalant.

What I learned: Seek shelter in Him now before the warning horn blasts. By then, it will be too late.

3. All week, my children during school learned about the Galapagos Islands and the Blue-footed Booby. It was a great study of God's creation as well as other things. I gave them an assignment to put together a presentation. This will not only help them solidify what they learned by teaching it to others, but to also feel comfortable speaking in front of groups. They did an amazing job! My daughter composed music to accompany a bible verse, my son sung a song, and they both presented their material well.

What I learned: I need to turn them loose more often to create. When I don't try to guide them in everything and just let them do what they do, they really

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